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Chilean Patagonia

Chile and its Patagonia

The first place introduced from Chile is Chilean Patagonia located in the southern part of America, and it goes from the area of the Pacific Ocean, until the borders with Argentina. The Chilean Patagonia is also located in the occidentals part of the natural region, which consists of the province of Palena and the main regions of Aysén and Magallanes.





The climate of Chilean Patagonia is mostly temperate, with very cold winters and fresh summers, having in this way:

  • The temperate oceanic climate, with cold or temperate winters and cool summers. Also, the rains are distributed throughout the whole year.

  • Subpolar oceanic climate, in which there are cold winters, rainfall throughout the year, and there is no specific summer.

  • Semi-arid climate, in which winters are cold and tempered summers. In this climate, the rains are very scarce.

Chilean Patagonia: Getting Here

Flora and ecosystems 

The vegetation of the region of the Chilean Patagonia can go from really abundant floral areas, such as the ones having forests of deciduous species (meaning that the forest goes through different seasons while having the loss of leaves), or even zones in which there is only a small amount of vegetation.

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Magellanic Deciduous Forest

It is located in the section of the Cordillera de Los Andes Australes, so this ecosystem depends on the change conditions regarding the seasons of the year since it has species that change their leaves during winter, for example, the lenga beech the Antarctic beech. Also, the other most representatives species are: the small mayten, the Magellan barberry, the holly barberry, the two-spined acaena, the green shrub, and the dog orchid.


Evergreen Forest

This is one of the most vegetally diverse regions of Patagonia, by having a much more humid environment and creating a complex flora landscape. The predominant species of the ecosystem are the Magellan´s beech and the winter´s bark. There can also be found the Chilean holly, the Magellan’s mayten, the devil’s elder, and the different shrubs and grasses, like the chaurilla, chaura , the luzuriaga , the philesia, and the shield fern.

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Magellan Tundra

The tundra is an ecosystem characterized by having a low type of vegetation so here there can be found many arborous elements such as the Magellan’s beech, the Chilean rimu, and the Guaitecas Cypress. Also, the cushion and carnivorous plants, along with the sphagnum peatlands covered with moss, are another flora native of the place.


Patagonian steppe

Here, the composition of the region is formed by grasses and shrubs, like the sweet coiron. Since the precipitations are very low, there are also several species of small bushes and weeds like the sea thrift, the Argentinean biddy-biddy, and the azorella.

Chilean Patagonia: Services


The Chilean Patagonia is an area that has a great amount of biodiversity in the place, with different types of mammals like feline species, canids, ferrets, and birds of all kinds, including penguins.

King Penguin

These are the largest penguins outside Antarctica, having their natural environment in the south of South America. They have an orange patch on the head and neck, as well as in their much more long peak, that distinguishes them from the other big species of the Arctic Emperor penguins. They are predators that consume fishes, and even sometimes squids. Their main predators’ leopard seals and killer whales.

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The biggest mammal living in Chile, the guanaco is also the largest ungulate in South America. Its fur is soft, often reddish and brown, and can reach 0.9 to 1 meter in height. It is a herbivore, with a very varied diet of fungi, ferns, herbs, leaves, shrubs, among others. Its habitat is mainly the Patagonian steppe.

Culpeo Fox

It is the largest species of fox in Chile and the second largest canid in South America. Its legs and head are reddish, and its back and tail are gray and black. It is carnivorous as it feeds on small mammals such as rodents, and also birds. In addition, the fox lives in the Magellanic forests and the Patagonian steppe.



It is one of the smallest deer on the planet, as it can only reach 40 cm in height, and 10 kg in weight. Their coat color is mostly dark reddish-brown. It is a very shy animal, that it is abundant in forests with low vegetation.

Puma, Mountain Lion

The puma is the largest carnivore in Chile, as well as the second-largest feline in America. It has a robust body, with reddish-brown fur, and its length can be 1.40 and 2.40 meters. It is a lonely and territorial animal and also a nocturnal hunter.


Huemul, Chilean deer

The huemul is one of the timidest species in Patagonia, as well as being the southernmost deer in the world. Their fur is thick, dark brown in color, and can reach 165 cm in length. They feed on shrubs, grasses, and tree shoots, thus inhabiting the evergreen forest and the Magellanic Deciduous Forest.

Chilean Patagonia: Services

Protection of the Chilean Patagonia 

Respect towards the nature and its conservation

Different circumstances like climate change, deforestation, or forest fires have been affecting the biodiversity of the region of Patagonia, putting at risk animals like the huemul. Still, the Chilean government along with the organizations of Tompkins Conservation and The Pew Charitable Trusts, have created a public-private fund to preserve the ecosystems. However, is always important to remind us to always be respectful towards the fauna and flora of the region, when visiting the beautiful Patagonia.

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